Iowa Department of Corrections
Explanation: AD-GA-19 F-1 Digital Media Permission Grant/Refusal.
Purpose: Consent form to image permissions for staff and offenders for owned media.
Role: Collaborated with other state PIO's on consent form, complied state consent forms, worked with chief department attorney to align state legal policy.
Result: Approved by Board of Directors. Official Policy in human resource packets. Developing strategy for messaging.
Social Media
When I first started at IDOC, the accounts started off as Statewide Recidivism Reduction Initiative (a division of the IDOC). After a few months of posting consistent content and building a base, we transitioned it to the official IDOC social media page.
Facebook Before: 2 likes per month , 28 people reach per month
Facebook Now: 27 likes per month (1250% increase), 3,5550 people reach per month (12578% increase)
Twitter Before: 3 followers per month, 404 people reach per month
Twitter Now: 11 new followers per month (266% increase), 2,430 people reach per month (501% increase)
Press Releases
I wrote press releases on multiple topics including deaths, celebrations and court proceedings. These press releases were then distributed to the press including Des Moines Register, Associated Press and other major news outlets.
Click the title to be directed to the pdf.
Wrote, edited, designed and assembled a newsletter and fact sheet for a division of the IDOC called Statewide Recidivism Reduction Initiative. I also was able to redesign, write and assemble the department newsletter "Corrections in Iowa" to be viewed by 1000's of employee's of the IDOC.
Iowa Dept. of Corrections Blog
I wrote blog posts for IDOC division regarding events and current happenings.
SRR 101: Institutional Time Study